My third favorite thing of the month is pizza. I'm not joking. I bet you're all like "pizza?", but yes pizza. I always loved pizza, but I've never had it more in one month than ever. I also found this new pizza place that makes the best pizza in the world. My favorite slice would have to be -Mushroom :) (what's your favorite kind of pizza?)
The next thing i'm loving is the Nivea chapstick. I always use Burt's Bees and they always manage to get lost somehow, so when I went to pick up a new one, they were sold out and I ended up picking up Nivea. Boy, this chapstick is great. It leaves your lips soooo smooth and it lasts so long, which is what I need in harsh cold NY weather.
The next thing is a book and it is "The Great Gatsby", by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I really love this book and I think that it's probably one of the best books I've ever had to read for school. Even if any of you haven't read this book for school, I totally recommend it. It's so awesomely written and the story has an interesting theme and moral.
Hope you all have a good rest of the day :) xx
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