Spring break is right around the corner and its time to get out in that sexy swimsuit and hit the beach. Excersie and a good diet is the key to having that hot beach bod and all you need to do is to schedule an exercise time for yourself.
Well..when I do exercise, I normally do variety of things. The treadmill is a great warmup especially with light weights. For five minutes I usually jog or walk fast to get my muscles warmed up and then I head on to some cardio. My cardio usually consists of kickboxing, running, spinning, the elliptical (however you spell that =p), jumping jacks, or jump rope (Cardio should be for about 30-40 minutes). Afterwards, I take another 30 minutes for core training and toning. This includes lunges, squats, situps, crunches, pushups, planks, and different stretches. Its good to keep a schedule too, where you have days of rest and different areas of toning eahc day. You don't want to over-work yourself though! Don't forget your water, ipods, and sneakers. =] AND DONTTT FORGET~~have fun! Once you make it a routine and think about yourself looking hot on the beach...it is well worth the sweat and it leaves you energized.