Dear Hair Color Corner
About two week ago I changed my hair color from medium blonde (highlights) to a chocolate brown, I had been thinking about doing that for some time, I found that my highlights were starting to dry my hair so I thought it would be a good time to change. Well I hate it and I feel its way to dark, so I went back to my stylist and asked if he could do something, anything, he said NO because in order to change it back he would have to bleach my hair and that it would break off. I do understand what he is trying to tell me and it was my decision to go dark but the color I got does not seem to be a chocolate brown but rather a dull flat brown. Is there something that can be done? I would be ok with it if it wasn’t so dull and lifeless looking.
This is a classic case of perhaps 1/ the stylist did not first fill your hair which means in order to change already lightened hair we need to put back a gold/orange tone so the new color does not go flat, 2/ there was a miscommunication between both of you in the consultation process. The truth is I might be speculating because I cannot see your hair however your stylist might also be right with the breakage aspect, 80% of the time when there is a situation like yours the hair does dry up when you re-do highlights so if it was dry to begin with chances are he is right. This was done only 2 weeks ago I suggest you give it another couple of weeks and more than likely you will see it starting to get lighter (fade) which in your case is a good thing. Once you have giving your hair some time you and your stylist can re-evaluate and go from there, my suggestion for a short time is to stay away from re-highlighting and get a gloss or a toner with some warmth in it, this will not cause any damage to your hair. And in the meantime invest in color shampoos and conditioners; AVEDA has excellent products for such needs as yours.